Has this ever happened to you? You read something great on a blog and you want to go back and maybe that blogger does not have archives set up or any way to go back and see old posts? Or you have to hunt and peck through all the archives to look for the post you saw?
Seak and you shall find - maybe
Photo via Pinterest - direct link
How about adding a search box to your blog?
Here is the simple code. Just paste it in your widgets area under the HTML and your set!
<center><p align="center"><form id="searchthis" action="/search" style="display:inline;" method="get"> <input id="search-box" name="q" size="25" type="text"/> <input id="search-btn" value="Search" type="submit"/> </form></p><center></center></center>
See Our Scatter Girls search box up there to the right under
our Facebook/Twitter and RSS feed round buttons?
Super easy and a time saver for your followers
who come back to visit to find just what they are looking for.
Happy Blogging

Thanks! I used it! :)