An about me page on your blog or website can be a great spot for you to obviously introduce yourself to your readers and even introduce your readers to your goals for your site. When I visit a blog or website without an about me site I often feel so lost as to who the author is, who is this person I'm reading about, who is this person behind these words? If I visit a new website or a new blog for the first time and become enticed in the site the next thing I do is look for their about me page to find a little bit more about that author. If there is no about me page I really become quite bummed out. Today were hosting an about me link up party. We want to know more about you! This link party serves as a great way to get to know each other a bit more and stress the importance of an about me page.

Okay..... I do not have an "about me" page. Actually, I have a navigation bar link... But I have no info there. I get totally word blocked when I try to write it. I just feel like anything I try to say sounds C-H-E-E-S-Y!!!! Help!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Checking everyone's About me out now =)
ReplyDeleteI don't know why it won't let me load a picture, but I really did try a few times! There IS a face behind this blogger :)
ReplyDeleteI love all of these... had to create my About Me page just for this b/c the one I had was just standard blogger... thanks for the nudge to stop the procrastination! :-)
ReplyDeleteNot sure why my thumbnail isn't posted but now you can see my face to the left! Great idea ladies!
ReplyDeleteWe literally put our About Us page together YESTERDAY! Perfect timing! ;)
ReplyDeleteYippee! Thanks to Chrissy for her help! I was finally able to get an "about me" section done! :)
ReplyDeleteWow! I have been wanting to join a link party! Great sites! Thanks for the opportunity! Hope to have one myself soon!
ReplyDeletethis is such a great idea. I'm sorry I missed. Totally going to copy you and do this on my blog.